Android Keystore Generate Rsa Key Pair
- Android Studio Generate Keystore
- How To Generate Rsa Key Pair
- Generate Keystore File
- Android Generate Keystore
- Generate Keystore For Android Apk
- Android Keystore Generate Rsa Key Pair Parameters To Support Ssh Version 2
- Android Keystore Generate Key Pair
In this post I am showing you how to securely create a key pair for asymmetric encryption in your Xamarin Android app, without any user interaction needed and - more important - without any hardcoded values in your code. On older API levels, the Android KeyStore only supports storing RSA keys, which is used with an RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding cipher to encrypt an AES key (randomly generated at runtime) and stored in the shared preferences file under the key SecureStorageKey, if.
The SecureStorage class helps securely store simple key/value pairs.
Get started
To start using this API, read the getting started guide for Xamarin.Essentials to ensure the library is properly installed and set up in your projects.
To access the SecureStorage functionality, the following platform-specific setup is required:
Auto Backup for Apps is a feature of Android 6.0 (API level 23) and later that backs up user's app data (shared preferences, files in the app's internal storage, and other specific files). Data is restored when an app is re-installed or installed on a new device. This can impact SecureStorage
which utilizes share preferences that are backed up and can not be decrypted when the restore occurs. Xamarin.Essentials automatically handles this case by removing the key so it can be reset, but you can take an additional step by disabling Auto Backup.
Enable or disable backup
You can choose to disable Auto Backup for your entire application by setting the android:allowBackup
setting to false in the AndroidManifest.xml
file. This approach is only recommended if you plan on restoring data in another way.
Selective Backup
Auto Backup can be configured to disable specific content from backing up. You can create a custom rule set to exclude SecureStore
items from being backed up.
Set the
attribute in your AndroidManifest.xml: -
Create a new XML file named auto_backup_rules.xml in the Resources/xml directory with the build action of AndroidResource. Then set the following content that includes all shared preferences except for
When developing on the iOS simulator, enable the Keychain entitlement and add a keychain access group for the application's bundle identifier.
Open the Entitlements.plist in the iOS project and find the Keychain entitlement and enable it. This will automatically add the application's identifier as a group.
In the project properties, under iOS Bundle Signing set the Custom Entitlements to Entitlements.plist.
When deploying to an iOS device this entitlement is not required and should be removed.
Android Studio Generate Keystore
No additional setup required.
Using Secure Storage
Add a reference to Xamarin.Essentials in your class:
To save a value for a given key in secure storage:
To retrieve a value from secure storage:
How To Generate Rsa Key Pair
If there is no value associated with the requested key, GetAsync
willreturn null
To remove a specific key, call:
To remove all keys, call:
Platform Implementation Specifics
The Android KeyStore is used to store the cipher key used to encrypt the value before it is saved into a Shared Preferences with a filename of [YOUR-APP-PACKAGE-ID].xamarinessentials. The key (not a cryptographic key, the key to the value) used in the shared preferences file is a MD5 Hash of the key passed into the SecureStorage
API Level 23 and Higher
Generate Keystore File
On newer API levels, an AES key is obtained from the Android KeyStore and used with an AES/GCM/NoPadding cipher to encrypt the value before it is stored in the shared preferences file.
API Level 22 and Lower
On older API levels, the Android KeyStore only supports storing RSA keys, which is used with an RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding cipher to encrypt an AES key (randomly generated at runtime) and stored in the shared preferences file under the key SecureStorageKey, if one has not already been generated.
SecureStorage uses the Preferences API and follows the same data persistence outlined in the Preferences documentation. If a device upgrades from API level 22 or lower to API level 23 and higher, this type of encryption will continue to be used unless the app is uninstalled or RemoveAll is called.
KeyChain is used to store values securely on iOS devices. The SecRecord
used to store the value has a Service
value set to [YOUR-APP-BUNDLE-ID].xamarinessentials.
In some cases KeyChain data is synchronized with iCloud, and uninstalling the application may not remove the secure values from iCloud and other devices of the user.
DataProtectionProvider is used to encrypt values securely on UWP devices.
Encrypted values are stored in ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings
, inside a container with a name of [YOUR-APP-ID].xamarinessentials.
SecureStorage uses the Preferences API and follows the same data persistence outlined in the Preferences documentation. It also uses LocalSettings
which has a restriction that the name of each setting can be 255 characters in length at most. Each setting can be up to 8K bytes in size and each composite setting can be up to 64K bytes in size.
This API is intended to store small amounts of text. Performance may be slow if you try to use it to store large amounts of text.
Related Video
Find more Xamarin videos on Channel 9 and YouTube.
The Java KeyPairGenerator class (
) is used to generate asymmetric encryption / decryption key pairs. An asymmetric key pair consists of two keys. The first key is typically used to encrypt data. The second key which is used to decrypt data encrypted with the first key.
Public Key, Private Key Type Key Pairs
The most commonly known type of asymmetric key pair is the public key, private key type of key pair. The private key is used to encrypt data, and the public key can be used to decrypt the data again. Actually, you could also encrypt data using the public key and decrypt it using the private key.
Android Generate Keystore
The private key is normally kept secret, and the public key can be made publicly available. Thus, if Jack encrypts some data with his private key, everyone in possession of Jack's public key can decrypt it.
Generate Keystore For Android Apk
Creating a KeyPairGenerator Instance
To use the Java KeyPairGenerator
you must first create a KeyPairGenerator
instance. Creating a KeyPairGenerator
instance is done by calling the method getInstance()
method. Here is an example of creating a Java KeyPairGenerator
The getInstance()
method takes the name of the encryption algorithm to generate the key pair for. In this example we use the name RSA
Android Keystore Generate Rsa Key Pair Parameters To Support Ssh Version 2
Initializing the KeyPairGenerator
Depending on the algorithm the key pair is generated for, you may have to initialize the KeyPairGenerator
instance. Initializing the KeyPairGenerator
is done by calling its initialize()
method. Here is an example of initializing a Java KeyPairGenerator
This example initializes the KeyPairGenerator
to generate keys of 2048 bits in size.
Generating a Key Pair
To generate a KeyPair
with a KeyPairGenerator
you call the generateKeyPair()
method. Here is an example of generating a KeyPair
with the KeyPairGenerator